Frequently Asked Questions


Where are you located?

We are located at 301 E. Del Mar Blvd in Pasadena, CA. We are in-between Euclid and Marengo.

What does HEAR Center do?

HEAR Center is a nonprofit hearing and speech clinic dedicated to helping people at all stages of life be active participants in the hearing and speaking world. We offer hearing, speech, and language services, as well as free hearing screenings at local senior centers and schools.

What kinds of insurance do you take?

We are contracted with various HMOs. We take PPOs/EPOs and also work with Medi-Cal, Medi-care, CCS, and Regional Center.

How can I help HEAR Center?

Donations to HEAR Center can be made in a number of ways. To inquire, please click here!

How do I make an appointment?

Please call or text us at 626-734-6555 or email us at to schedule.


How long is the hearing test appointment?

Please allow up to 45 minutes.

What do I need to do before my appointment?

Make sure you fill out our online intake forms that were sent to you and upload your insurance cards.

What will the appointment be like for my child?

It depends on their age. Hearing testing will be appropriate for their age. The audiologists will explain at the time of your appointment. Learn More Here

Do I need a hearing test every year?

Yes, if you have a history of hearing loss you want to get annual hearing tests.

My hearing has changed and I need my hearing aids adjusted, do I need a hearing test to get adjustments?

Yes, if you have not had a hearing test in a year or less. We want to make sure you have your hearing aids adjusted to best fit your current hearing loss.

I recently got a hearing test somewhere else, can I have a hearing aid consultation with you?

You can schedule a free hearing aid consultation with us. We need a recent copy of your hearing test (within 12 months) to be able to make the best recommendation for you.

How long will it take for my physician to get my hearing report?

Your doctor should have the report within a week after your appointment.

How can I set up a hearing or speech screening at my school?

Please reach out to Angelica Tamayo, Screening Coordinator at or call her at 626-734-6555.


How long is the speech and language evaluation?

The evaluation can take up to an hour.

Will the speech and language evaluation be in person?

Currently our speech and language evaluations are scheduled via telehealth Zoom meeting.

Do you see adults for speech therapy?

Our speech therapy options are only for those ages 0-21.

For more information on hearing aids, please visit our hearing aid page.

For more information on speech therapy, please visit our speech page.

For questions about Tinnitus, please visit our Tinnitus page.

For questions about Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), please visit our CAPD page.

If you question was not listed here and you would like more information, please email us at