What Is Vertigo?

What Is Vertigo?

Temporary dizziness is a common symptom of many illnesses and certain activities, such as riding a rollercoaster. When dizziness doesn’t dissipate after a short while, it goes by another name: vertigo. Individuals with this kind of dizziness experience an...
Self Talk vs. Parallel Talk

Self Talk vs. Parallel Talk

Communication is an essential skill children develop from an early age. When immersed in a language-rich environment, infants quickly grasp the meanings of words and even experiment with grammar mechanics. As role models and the dominant presence in children’s...
Hearing Aids for Children

Hearing Aids for Children

Hearing loss in children can cause significant developmental problems. Although hearing aids help to alleviate these problems, not everyone can afford them. Fortunately, California expanded its program to provide hearing aids to more children, effective January 1,...
Amazon FireTV’s New Capabilities for Hearing Loss

Amazon FireTV’s New Capabilities for Hearing Loss

Soundtracks and conversations between characters are an integral part of watching TV shows and movies. People with hearing loss can find it challenging to follow conversations, especially on TV. Amazon Fire TV addresses this problem with new technologies to make...
An OTC Hearing Aid Update

An OTC Hearing Aid Update

According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, around 37.5 million (15%) Americans over 18 have some trouble hearing, and hearing aids would benefit almost 29 million of them. Unfortunately, many who need hearing aids haven’t been...
Nutrition and Hearing – Is There a Link?

Nutrition and Hearing – Is There a Link?

Very seldom is the link between proper nutrition and hearing health discussed. While it is generally known that eating a healthy and balanced diet can have a profoundly positive impact on your health, you may be wondering if the same type of diet can do great things...